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Software freelancing
The Most In-demand Technologies in 2023 for Nordic Software Consultants
Software capability
The First Time in Business Class - an Exclusive, Broken User Experience
Case studies
Witted – Wolt’s flexible software development partner
Software capability
4 Reasons Why Your Software Project Fails, 4 Ways to Avoid It
Software freelancing
The Most In-demand Technologies in Sweden Heading into 2023
Software freelancing
Two Tales of Software Freelancing Freedom
Case studies
Building an always online sales tool for global use for Mitsubishi Logisnext
NeXec became a Witted company
Software capability
Why evaluating and updating your procurement partner network matters
Witted has signed a deal to purchase IT management consultancy NeXec
Software capability
How to attract the best software consultants in 2022
Case studies
Päijät-Sote’s Employer Branding facelift yielded instant results
Software freelancing
The most in-demand technologies in Fall 2022 for Nordic software consultants
Case studies
Web-based application for managing Automated Guided Vehicle fleets
Software capability
Forhindrer du utbrenthet på arbeidsplassen?
Software freelancing
Software Freelancer Stian found a perfect project through Witted on the first try
Software capability
Employer branding attracts the best talents in your organization
Software capability
What is digital maturity and how can it supercharge your growth?