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Road to IPO
Matka pohjoiseen - osa 7: Megacorpin tarina
Case studies
Developing Cervi’s fully customized IT solution
Road to IPO
Matka pohjoiseen - osa 6: Maailma kuohuu - miltä näyttää IPO-matka?
Road to IPO
Road to the North - part 6: The world is trembling - what does our IPO journey look like now?
Road to IPO
Matka pohjoiseen - osa 5: Mitä teimme viime kesänä? Kolmet yrityskaupat
Road to IPO
Road to the North - part 5: What we did last summer: acquisitions
Road to IPO
Matka pohjoiseen – osa 4: Rahako IPOn motivaattori?
Road to IPO
Road to the North – part 4: Money as a motivator for an IPO?
Road to IPO
Matka pohjoiseen – osa 3: Kolme epäonnistumista ja täysosuma
Road to IPO
Road to the North – part 3: Three formative failures - and a resounding victory
Road to IPO
Road to the North – part 2: Leaping into the Unknown
Road to IPO
Matka pohjoiseen – osa 2: Hyppy tuntemattomaan
Software freelancing
Top 5 in-demand technologies for software freelancers in the Nordics 2022
Case studies
Designing the user interface for Suunto's first-ever color screen dive watch
Road to IPO
Road to the North - Part 1: Yielding Power
Road to IPO
Matka pohjoiseen - Osa 1: luopuminen vallasta
Software Company Witted Explores Chances of Listing on NASDAQ First North
Talented, New Things Co and Mavericks are now Witted