The Salary Level of Software Developers in Norway in 2025
Our recruitment professionals have been engaging in discussions with thousands of software developers throughout our history. Salary has been a prevalent topic in the majority of these conversations. We have participated in numerous recruitments for our client companies and have seen the difference between salary expectations and actual outcomes. This gives us insight into the salary levels of software developers in Norway in 2025.
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In addition to these discussions, we monitor publicly announced position salaries and information provided by salary data services. From this data, we have formed an understanding of typical developer salaries in Norwegian companies.
The past years have been challenging for the Norwegian economy. The interest rates have increased while there also has been high inflation. In 2023 we saw a nominal salary growth of 5,2 percent, but at the same time the prices rose by 5,5 percent. According to Thomas von Brasch, Research Leader at Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) it is looking a lot brighter for the upcoming years. Based on the estimations the real salary increases will be higher than those have been during the past ten years.
The estimates for this year show a real salary increase of 1,9 percent. For 2025 the estimated salary increase is 4,5% whereas the price increases are estimated to be 3%. This means that the predicted real annual salary growth for 2025 would be around 1,5%. SSB has predicted that the real annual salary growth will be around 1,5 percent for the years 2024-2027.
As it is expected that the interest rates will decrease, it looks promising for economic activities to pick up. This will likely be seen as increased purchasing power, having a positive effect on the overall Norwegian economic situation.
Typical salary ranges for 2025
Based on our experience, independent consultants are getting the highest compensation. This can also be seen from Kode24 salary calculator. Salaried consultants are holding the second highest income levels, whereas in-house employees have slightly lower levels in their average salaries.
The annual median salary for a developer in 2024 was 850 000 NOK. When taking into account the estimated salary increase for 2025, the estimated annual median salary for 2025 is 888 250 NOK.
Based on Tekna’s salary calculator, for a Junior Developer with up to four years of experience, the typical compensation has been 598 000 NOK to 666 000 NOK. Tekna’s suggestion for a beginner salary for 2025 is 690 000 NOK. In 2024 the same suggestion was 655 000 NOK. However, when it comes to the actual salary level there are many exceptions, and developers taking their first steps often accept lower salaries.
For mid-level developers with working experience from five to nine years the salary range has in the previous year been from 690 000 NOK to 880 000 NOK. With the estimated salary increase for 2025, the range would be from 700 000 NOK to 915 000 NOK.
When it comes to more experienced Senior developers the salary range is from 760 000 up to 1 330 000 NOK. With the estimated salary increase for 2025 the salary range would be from 800 000 NOK to 1 400 000 NOK.
In Senior Developer roles, one can surpass the upper limit of the typical salary range if the compensation model is heavily performance-based, such as Witted’s Mavericks and Minicorp model.
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